New, in print and in stock:

German Tradenames and Trademarks

An Encyclopedia of German Tradenames and Trademarks 1900-1945 Firearms Optics Edged Weapons

Available NOW from the author, military book retailers or Schiffer Military Books, Inc.

Examples of just some of the information provided:

This book is the first comprehensive and easy to use reference covering prominent the history, tradenames and trademarks used by German small arms, optics and edgeware manufacturers between 1900-1945.

The author provides a broad overview of the early marketing industry, the development of regional identities, and major tradenames and trademarks used by German companies during the period.

The first half of this in-depth study lists and defines hundreds of terms, names, and misnomers of the various Imperial and National Socialist-era manufacturers.

The second half of the work is made up of hundreds of logo and trademark illustrations as well as official and manufacturing markings commonly found on end products.

Size: 6”x9” • over 1000 bw images • 288 pages ISBN: 978-0-7643-3759-8 • hard cover • $59.99.


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Disclaimer-Owners and employees of The Historical Parts and Militaria Co. do not have any tolerance for fascists, apologists, neo-nazi's, or any hate groups. Items presented for sale are offered as purely historical military or political items only. We owe our grandfathers and fathers our deepest debt of gratitude for their sacrifices in bringing to a close the most sinister regimes in the history of mankind. God bless America!