Firearms, Parts & Accessories For Sale:


Rifles For Sale
Sidearms For Sale
Crazy Rare and Expensive Items For Sale
WWII Gun Parts & Accessories For Sale

G43 K43 Items For Sale
Mauser K98 Items For Sale
ZF4 and Other Optics For Sale

Luger P08 For Sale
WWII Holsters For Sale
US WWII For Sale
Soviet Firearms For Sale

Imperial Japanese Firearms For Sale

Bayonets, Fighting Knives, Edgeware For Sale

New and Rare OOP Small Arms Books For Sale
Misc For Sale

Ba'athist Iraqi Militaria For Sale

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E-Mail HP Co.
if you have a G/K43 or any interesting WW2 Axis item(s) for sale or trade!

(22 JAN 25) It is our sad duty to inform the collector community that our friend CSM (Ret.) Dave Davis passed away the other day. He was one of the giants of the K.98 world and he will be missed tremendously. See his obituary at David W. Davis

(19 JAN 25)We have finally formalized a printing deal for the Rough Forged revision. Hope to have copies on hand by the April Tulsa show (pre-orders will be taken soon on the Front Sight Post Publishing website). Also, posted a couple of really nice original ZF scope/mount rigs- A WaA 359 and a WaA 214!

(09 OCT 24) Busy reviewing the Rough Forged Revision proof print provided by the printing company. Hope to have these in stock by next month's Tulsa show, but surely for the holiday season. Pre-orders will come soon via the Front Sight Post Publishing website. Also just listed some new items to include a pretty nice "ac 45" sniper rig (links to the left). Don't forget to vote. Prefer a thug to deal with the thugs in Russia, N. Korea, China and Iran, but whoever wins, we'll all be OK. Just don't forget the down-ballot races; we need to hold at least one chamber of Congress to stop the gun-grabbing leftists. Do your part and please go to the polls.

(14 JUL 24) All secure, all back to normal. Listed a few new items tonight and more to follow.Busy working on the Rough Forged revision. Stay tuned...

(28 JUN 24) Hello folks. On or about 10 June we had a breach of our cloud MS 365 email and hundreds of spam messages were sent out that had attachments we did not authorize. We presume the attachments had malware or spyware embedded but are not sure. We have fixed the problem with the cloud server, added additional security measures and no customer PII or payment info appears to have been obtained. In the meantime though, do not open any attachments from darrin@historicalparts.com. These emails looked identical to ones we would have sent so be wary. One customer was sent an email requesting he pay for an invoice via Paypal. The account in that instance was "https://www.paypal.me/KrysKen " although the header looked like it was from us. We do not have a Paypal account. We do all transactions via Square. So, please just be wary and thank you!

(05 MAY 24) Just updated the G.43 Parts page, found a few things in Tulsa. Will get some mags up, scopes and a pretty nice late-war ac45 K.43 with original scope and mount soon. Plus other finds! The revision of Rough Forged is finished and with the editor. Should be back in print by the holiday season!

(18 MAR 24) Business has been crazy and haven't had time to photograph and update finds lately. Way behind on emails. Sorry. We'll be moving and shaking in Tulsa the first weekend in April, Tables 24D upstairs. We'll list all of the new treasures when we return. Ever wonder what we do with all the bayonets, uniforms, helmets and stuff we get in that doesn't make it to the website or the shows? Well, a lot of it is in our booths at Cameron Trading Company in Waco, TX. Sooo, if your wife drags you to Chip and Joannas Magnolia Silos, take a short walk over and see what we have for sale: Cameron Trading Co.

(27 FEB 23) Pleased to announce we bought most of apfeltor.com's remaing G41 and G43 parts inventory. Parts page has been updated. Have been focusing on getting Wolf Dieter Roth's amazing history of the Walther factory, Fateful Years edited and into print. See Front Sight Post Publishing. Next show will be Tulsa in April!

(08 NOV 22) On the way to Tulsa, see you upstairs at Tables 24D!

We are also super pleased to announce that we have struck a deal with our esteemed colleague Robert Applegate (apfeltor.com) to purchase his remaining G41 and G43 parts inventory! We'll list it all next week.

Lastly, we are proud to announce over at frontsightpostpublishing.com that we are in the final layout stages of Wolf-Dietrich Roth's amazing "Fateful Years, Carl Walther, The World Famous Thuringian Arms Factory 1886-1945". This comprehensive text is going to dazzle a lot of collectors!

Anyway, be safe, and we'll get some really desireable items posted next week!

(09 JUL 22) Finally found some time to get to photographing and listing. Lots of new items on the links to the left!

(06 APR 22) Great Tulsa show last weekend! Posting some new items over the next couple of weeks. G/K.43 parts page updated. Look for some exciting new items!

(25 FEB 22) Getting ready to go to the HGCA Humble, TX. show but found time to post some great recent finds. K43, lots of holsters, pistols, interesting militaria. See the links on the left. See you in Tulsa in April!

(25 NOV 21) Have some great finds from the Houston and Tulsa shows going up this week- a couple of G/K.43s, ZF.4 rig, Lahti, Broomhandle stock set, and a couple of items from the personal collection that appear in Rough Forged. Check out the links to the left and Happy Holidays!

(19 AUG 21) Several nice pistols posted to include a late one and early slotted Radom, also posting some G.43 and K.43 items from the collection, to include a really nice ac44 G.43 today. More to follow. See you all at the HGCA show in Humble/Houston in late SEP and then Tulsa in November!

(04 MAY 21) Wow! Firearms shows are back (and even some people wear their masks)! Back from April 2021 Tulsa show with lots of treasures to post soon such as new G43 parts, several magazines, K43 stock, bbled. receiver, ZF4 scopes/mounts, late-war wood-grip Radom P.35 and others. But a glowing review of Rough Forged came out in the American Rifleman and shipping all of these unexpected orders has just consumed all available time. See the review at: Front Sight Post Publishing. Also, I've decided to part with some of the items in the book, so watch for some rare G.41, G.43, K.43 optics and accessories as time permits to photograph and post. Now...go get your vaccine. It's safe, promise.

(05 NOV 20) We are NOW SHIPPING Rough Forged, see you in Tulsa, Upper Level Row 24D.

(11 AUG 20) Still mobilized in Texas fighting the COVID19 pandemic. I am pleased to announce though that Rough Forged is finished and in the hands of the printer. Anticipate delivery on or about the end of September. Visit Front Sight Post Publishing to sign up for updates and as of now we are taking pre-order payments. All sets purchased at FSPP will be signed and delivered in a slip case. On the firearm front, will be posting a 1903A4 Remington Sniper, a super nice M1 Springfield Garand and one or two items from the G/K.43 reference collection that were used for the book. Check back often!

01 MAY 20) Sorry folks, I'm mobilized (since 01 APR 20) again in the Army to help deal with this pandemic. You can email me but I don't know when each week I'll be able to ship anything. The book is on track, just proofed the layout of Chapter 20. Don't think this will delay the late Summer/early Fall release. See www.frontsightpostpublishing.com website. Wash your hands!

(19 MAR 20) Well, sorry to say the big Tulsa show has been cancelled, so we'll see you all in the Fall. But, while we're all fighting each other during the toilet paper and hand sanitizer Armageddon, I'm pleased to announce that the HG's revision, Rough Forged: A History and Collector's Guide to German Self-Loading Rifles of WWII is almost through layout and editing and should be at the printer soon. I've approved cover concept above. We'll launch the facebook page and website page in the next few weeks: www.frontsightpostpublishing.com, and will begin taking pre-orders in late summer. Email me if you want to be on the list. Two volumes, color, ca. 950+ pages with many hundreds of images, price TBD as will still need to firm up the printing quote. ISBN is already set 978-1-7342359-0-6. More to follow as the project unfolds!

(01 FEB 20) Just back from Houston, have a spectacular K.43, late Radom with wooden grips, SS PPK, Polizei PP and other great finds on links to the left. They won't last long! OK, update on Hitler's Garands revision: This will be a two-volume set, color, ca. 1,000 pages and 1,200 illustrations. New Title: Rough Forged: A History and Collector's Guide to German Self-Loading Rifles of WWII. The book is in editing now, and I travel each week to meet with the editor and go over chapters. In the meantime, send me your name and email, and I will put you on the list to receive updates and opportunities for advance sales. Everything is on schedule for Fall 2020 release, should go to the printer in Summer. Super excited, and I hope you'll be pleased with our efforts!

(25 NOV 19) Back from Tulsa and buying trips. Man oh man do we have some neat stuff! More ZF.4s, sets, another K.43, rare Tool Room Luger, Radoms, 480 P.38, rare holsters and lots of other neat stuff! See the links to the left!

(15 OCT 19) Getting ready for Tulsa. Just listed a neat G.43, ZF.4 mount and other items. See you soon!

(05 SEP 19) Just listed another new ZF4 scope and mount, book project absorbing most of my time and have been remiss in listing new items, will be in Houston HGCA late September and Tulsa early November.

(10 APR 19) Wow! Just back fom Tulsa and picked up some amazing things! TWO ZF.4 rigs, manuals, K.98 bayonets, swords, Ross, Garands, amazing Fraunenstorfer sporter with Kahles 4x, pistols and more pistols. Will be posting items a few per day, but have NG duty so there will be a one week pause. Take a look at the links to the left!

(15 MAR 19) Lots of new stuff on the way. ZF4s, Mounts, P.08s; going to wait to post most until after we return from Tulsa in acouple of weeks (Row 25D Upstairs). Also have a buying trip to the Pacific Northwest in April so some more treasures coming soon! Note- we will no longer tolerate the policies and anti-American, anti-2nd Amendment sentiment of Paypal, Inc.(TM). The company is just filled with horrible, stubborn, arrogant, leftist operatives who do not have you or our best interest at heart at all. We will process all credit card transactions with our bank's own safe and secure credit card processor.

(15 NOV 18) Just back from Tulsa, lots of finds going up on the links to the left over the next few days- Fine K43 action, G/K43 mags, exceptional Police and Artillery Lugers, scopes, scarce Mauser Standard Modell, 44 rivet bayonet, nice early all correct Inland M1 Carbine, and more! Will put a few items up each day!

(22 SEP 18) Have several new pistols and an authentic K43 mount just listed. Nice Artillery Luger as well! See you in Houston the last weekend in October and Tulsa, the second weekend in November- new tables, 25D upper deck instead of 28B.

(10 APR 18) Had a great Tulsa, lots of new stuff to be posted soon, to include G/K43 magazines, ZF4s, Lugers, an exceptional Radom, Type 94, and others. Check back often!

(14 JAN 18) Will be set up in Houston HGCA, see you there!

(10 OCT 17) Have been somewhat distracted from firearms for the last few months due to Hurricane Harvey and opening a new business in our little town. See www.eagleslandingtx.com Now that it is open, we're back on track. Apologize for the tardy replies and thank you for your business.

(10 AUG 17) Lots of new pistols coming up over the next few days. See you at the Houston HGCA show in September!

(23 APR 17) Had a little FFL trouble due to LLCing HPCo., but new FFL has arrived and we are back in business. Will be posting some scarce ZF4 scopes, mounts, two G/K43 rifles and other finds in the next few days!

(16 NOV 16) Just picked up some fabulous items locally and in Tulsa, UNNUMBERED WaA214 ZF4 Mount/Rig, sidearms, a Springfield M1D, and lots and lots of G/K43 parts, receivers, mags, etc. being listed each day! We will see you in Houston in FEB 2017! Happy Holidays!

(01 AUG 16) PLEASE NOTE AND SPREAD THE WORD: Our local internet provider ceased operations today, leaving us to scramble to reestablish sales/services. Our new website is "historicalparts.com" and email is d a r r i n @ h i s t o r i c a l p a r t s . c o m Apologize for the abrupt change.

(23 NOV 15) Tremendous finds lately! Luger mags, "duv 44 G43", AUTHENTIC ZF4 Scopes and Mounts, magazines, K43 Manual and an AMAZING Walther "Heeres Pistole" HP. Check out the links to the left- investment grade firearms!

(02 OCT 15) Buying trips have paid off lately! Lots of new pistols and rifles in "The Vault" to include Lugers, a K43, Kornbusch G.98, others. Also a Nambu, early G43 manual, ZF4s, "sgx 44" rivet bayonet, K43 mags and more coming soon!

(01 MAY 2015) Lots of new items on links to left to include very fine Black Widow P08, Outstanding Artillery Model and "G" Date Luger, new G43 and K98 items and a G41 action/project.

(01 JAN 2015) Hitler's Garands: German Self-Loading Rifles of WWII has sold 5,500 copies worldwide and is now out of print and unavailable. Look for an expanded, color revision in mid-2020! Want to help with the project or have something you think needs to be in the text? See "Contributors Wanted" link on the left!

(15 NOV 14) Just swamped post-Tulsa, posted a few items on the links, but just got popped with duty on the US-Mexico border again. Will be able to respond by email, but won't be able to ship items until 01 DEC 14

(24 SEP 14) Just arrived! New production G/K43 dark gray-black phosphate dustcovers. See "G43 K43 Items For Sale"!

(21 JUL 14) Will be on and off-line for the next two weeks due to ARNG duty at the US-Mexico border. Lots of new G43 items, two matching G/K43s, etc.

(20 AUG 13) Have been away on duty for a couple of weeks, apologize for the delayed replies. Will be up in Maine working with the Julia Auction the first week of September. Check back often!

(25 NOV 12) Am Listing an AUTHENTIC ZF4 CAN for sale on the G/K43 For Sale link to left. Once in a lifetime chance at a real one! Just back from Tulsa and listing some nice sidearms, ZF4s, and more G/K43 parts and accessories. Happy Holidays! See you at the HGCA show at the Reliant Center in Jan 2013!

(11 JUL 12) Just posted another fine PO8, and G43 mags. See the links on the left!

(19 JUL 11) Have a number of nice scopes, accessories, and a p-block K43 for sale but have to go down to the Texas-Mexico border on a National Guard mission. Will post the new stuff upon return, ca. 08 AUG 11.

(25 JAN 11) Happy New Year! Have a number of new sidearm listings, a G33/40 and rare "bzz" ZF4 for sale. Will see you in Tulsa in the Spring!

(01 DEC 10) Recently listed a number of nice sidearms as well as new K98 and G43 parts and accessories. See Links to the left. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!

Have a few new G41 and G/K43 items as well but parts and mags are starting to dry up, Have plenty of G/K43, MP44 and K98 sight hoods and rods.

(01 JAN 10). Have a few new firearms on both the long and sidearms pages to the left.

(01 JUN 09) Hello Fellow Collectors. I wanted to thank you all for your support this past year during the mobilization and deployment to Iraq. I am back in Central Texas trying to get everything back in order and should be fully up and running in the next couple of weeks. Please excuse the links, et al, as I revamp, reinventory and reaquaint myself with the web page, accounts and the actual inventory.

"An Encyclopedia of German Tradenames and Trademarks 1900-1945"
Available now from the Author and from Schiffer Books!

"Mauser Pistolen"
Currently out of print. Click above to learn more!

"Kunststoffe: A Collector's Guide to German World War II Plastics and Their Markings"
On sale now! Click above to learn more!

"Desperate Measures: Last-Ditch Weapons of the Nazi Volkssturm"
Click above to learn more!



Disclaimer-Owners and employees of The Historical Parts and Militaria Co. do not have any tolerance for fascists, apologists, neo-nazi's, or any hate groups. Items presented for sale are offered as purely historical military or political items only. We owe our grandfathers and fathers our deepest debt of gratitude for their sacrifices in bringing to a close the most sinister regimes in the history of mankind. God bless America!
Other Sources for G/K43s, Other Suppliers of Firearm Parts:

Gun Parts Corp.

Sarco, Inc.

Wolff Gun Springs.

Northridge (G43 Parts)

Springfield Sporters

G43 Shooter's Kits

ZF4/Other Optical Repair Links

Other Suppliers

Auction Arms (auction)

Gunbroker (auction)

Useful Collector Links Below:

WW2 German Weapons

G43/K43 Discussion

Books from my publisher, Front Sight Post Publishing, LLC

Books from another of my publishers, Schiffer Books

Claus' G43 Page

Mike's G43 Page

K98k Web Page

Bayonet Collectors Network

Late WW2 German Weapons

MP44/StG44 Page

Gunboards.com Forums

About Wartime German Scopes

About Late WWII German Weapons

About Japanese Firearm Markings

About Waffenamts & Codes

Items Wanted for Our Personal Collections and Projects

Video Honoring the 7 brave souls COL Weaver's (TXARNG) unit lost in Iraq. Rest in peace heros.

PO Box 69, Eddy, TX. 76524